Employers Associates – Terms and Conditions of Business

1. Provision of services
Employers Associates will provide the services set out in our letter of engagement (“the services”) in an efficient and timely manner, using the necessary skill and expertise to an appropriate professional standard.

While Employers Associates will make every endeavour to provide a professional service to you, we can not guarantee the results of our advice and recommendations. Employers Associates shall not be liable for the consequences of the provision of services to you, except for consequences arising as a direct result of proven negligence on the part of Employers Associates.

Any written advice, opinion, or product provided to you as part of our services is provided solely for your benefit and may not be disclosed or provided to another party.

2. Payment for services
Invoices are payable within seven days of the date of invoice (“the due date”). You agree to pay for the services upon invoice by the due date.

You will be invoiced upon completion of the services, or on a monthly basis, whichever occurs first. Where services do not proceed to completion for any reason you will be charged for services provided and disbursements incurred up to the point our services end.

Your invoice will reflect the time spent on providing services to you (using the six minute increment system), any time spent travelling to provide the services to you, and any expenses including, but not limited to accommodation, travel, meals, mileage and other expenses incurred in providing the services to you. We will advise you of the applicable hourly rate(s) for the work.

Where any payment is not made on or by the due date, Employers Associates may charge interest at the rate of 2.5% per month, calculated on a daily basis, from the due date until the date payment is made. Application of this charge is without prejudice to any other rights and remedies available to Employers Associates. If we have to take steps to recover overdue accounts, all costs incurred in doing so are payable by you.

3. Confidentiality
We agree to maintain confidentiality with regard to any confidential information that comes into our possession while providing the services, except where disclosure is required by law or a regulatory body, judicial process, or your own policies, or you authorise disclosure. Likewise, you agree to maintain confidentiality with regard to any confidential information pertaining to Employers Associates unless required to disclose such information by the same factors.

4. Client information
You agree to provide to us any information reasonably required by us to enable us to provide the services, including access to records, information and staff members. Employers Associates is entitled to rely upon the accuracy of such information provided to us in carrying out the services. You agree to notify us if you become aware that any information provided to us is or becomes inaccurate.

5. Your instructions
Please let us know if there is anything in these terms and conditions which you would like to discuss further. Your instructions to us will be taken as acceptance of these terms and conditions.

6. Conflict
In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and any document issued by you the client, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

30 September 2012